PT Wahana Citra PT Wahana Citra

Palm oil
sustainability policy

PT Wahana Citra

PT Wahana Citra Nabati (WCN), as an actor in food chain industry, is committed to produce the highest quality refined palm oil products by ensuring the sustainable palm oil practices are well implemented through its strategies and policies, strives to build traceable, transparent and sustainable palm oil supply chain by cooperating with NGOs and our industry partners.

WCN will continue collaborating and apply to all third party palm oil suppliers and drive them to implement all provision contained in this policy, working to ensure that all palm oil and palm products that WCN produces, trades or processes are in line with these commitments.

PT Wahana Citra
PT Wahana Citra

Commitments for all third – party suppliers of palm oil

We will ensure our third-party suppliers of palm oil products to adhere to the commitments in this section principles.

  • No conversion and no new development from High Carbon Stock (HCS) and High Conservation Value (HCV) areas
  • Enforcement of a no-burning policy
  • No new development on peat areas regardless of depth
  • Best Management Practices for existing plantations on peat
  • Follow best management parties for agricultural production and minimize use of pesticides and herbicides an prohibit use of paraquat
  • Respect the Rights of Indigenous and Local Communities to give or withhold their Free, Prior and Informed Consen (FPIC) to Operations on Lands to Which They Hold Legal, Communal or Customary Rights
  • Support the inclusion of smallholders into the supply chain
PT Wahana Citra

Commitments for WCN and all third – party suppliers of palm oil

Human Rights and Workplace

  • No exploitation of workers and and local communities. Uphold and promote United Nations Universal Declaration on Human Right
  • Respect and recognize the rights of all workers including contract, temporary and migrant workers
  • Uphold the right of all workers, regardless of rank or job grade, to form and join trade unions of their choice, and to bargain collectively
  • Pay all workers the statutory monthly minimum wage and overtime compensation, in accordance with the current labor regulations
  • Provide fair and equal employment opportunities for all employees, regardless of race, religion or gender
  • Promote safe and healthy working environment and provide workers with adequate equipment and training to ensure that workers are protected from exposure to occupational health and safety hazards
  • Prohibit child labour and take appropriate measures to prevent child labour.
  • Prohibit forced labour, bonded labour and human trafficking are not used or promoted, and take appropriate measures to prevent the use of such labour
  • Implement policies to prevent and remediate harassment and abuse, including sexual harassment and abuse
  • Recruitment practices are transparent and fair, and direct recruitment is encouraged and recruitment process is well documented. Prohibit any retention of identity documents unless required by law.
  • Assess social impacts from company operations, prevent and mitigate any negative socials impacts, and enhance positive impacts in form of coherent Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Programs or other
  • Enable all workers access to judicial remedy and to credible grievance mechanisms without fear of recrimination or dismissal
  • Adherence to all relevant laws
  • Prohibit contract substitution, charging recruitment fees, penalties for voluntary termination, and protect the reproductive right
PT Wahana Citra

Environmental Management

  • Minimizing the carbon footprint of our operations and encourage reduction of GHG emissions in the supply base
  • Identify and mitigate environment effects with aiming to minimize environment impacts
  • Implement water management and monitoring plans for reducing impacts on water quality and water consumption
  • Implement waste management practices including waste reduction, management and recycling

We view the establishment of traceable palm oil source as an important step towards fully sustainable palm oil production. Our palm oil supply chain traceability origin will cover mill, plantation as well as our internal traceability from incoming, storing, processing and outgoing activity and will be communicated in our sustainable time-bound action plan.

As an active member of Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), WCN believes the RSPO possesses many of the responsive tools to enact sustainable changes. Accordingly, WCN has actively supplied RSPO certified palm oil to our customers since 2013 and will continue our effort to promote RSPO products and to support the demand for sustainable products.

Our grievance procedure system cover and resolve all complaints and conflicts through an open and consultative process, enabling stakeholders to arise grievances with relation to company operations, 3rd party suppliers and contractors. On the other hand, the annual report of WCN sustainability policy implementation will be published transparently and available to general public.